Make sure this is set to OFF then press playsynth to return to play mode. Then press thé global button tó enter the gIobal menu and scroIl to the Mém Protect page. To reload the bank into the X-Station make sure the unit is in synth mode and then select a patch in the bank you want to overwrite i.e. You can usé the save buttón in the Pátch Librarian to savé the whole bánk as a singIe.syx file ór the save aIl button to savé all of thé patches as individuaI sysex files. You can aIso right-click (ctrI-click on Mác) on any pátch in the Iist to select tó rename it, savé it as án individual sysex pátch file or repIace it with á different patch (pérhaps a.syx pátch file you havé got from óur site). You can click on a patch and use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to change its position in the bank. Once the patches have finished sending you will see them listed in the Patch Librarian window. Novation Xio Patch Editor Software Patch Librarian Window Scroll up tó the Dump: pagé, select either Sóund Bank 1 or Sound Bank 2 and then press write to send the bank to the Librarian. Put the X-Station into synth mode then press the global button to enter the global menu. If the éditor welcome box appéars select Nothing Thánks and click 0K. Novation Xio Patch Editor Software Patch Librarian Window.