When mapping out your training program, and following Tudor Bompa’s and other program design expert’s guidelines, your program is still not guaranteed to be successful. They are certainly an important aspect of any team sport, and they may be a part of how you measure your success, but in order to maximize your team’s potential, you must figure out the exact needs of your players. What I am trying to say is that you cannot measure the success of your team and your training program on wins and losses alone.
I have seen teams with talented athletes but can’t win any games. I have seen soccer teams that were winning games in spite of their poor training program. Wins and losses are not based solely on your program and its success. The big question is, how do you know if you have a perfect training plan for your soccer team? How do you quantify how successful your program is/was? Do you go by wins and losses?
Hours are spent putting together a training program with hopes of having a great season and improving on the previous year. Soccer testing: Creating a periodization program for the upcoming soccer season takes a lot of time and effort.